American Foods is a company that has been in business for over 70 years and has seen many changes during that time.

Founded in 1950 in a small town in Massachusetts by a family who began re-bagging candies for their customers in their small, tiny atelier. Starting out as a small family business, American Foods grew to a production facility in Lawrence, MA. After the founder family handed the company over to John Morrissey, it continued to grow and change under John's leadership.

Tom Reilly was a buyer for a major retail chain in the USA. John, offered him a job with the intent that Tom would one day take over the company for John. John groomed Tom for years and believes that Tom has what it takes to lead American Foods into the future.

When John retired in 2006, he knew that Tom would be the perfect person to take over the company - and he was right! Tom was a strong family man with a passion for his work and a commitment to keeping the family culture that has been the backbone of American Foods alive. Tom stepped up to take over the company and ran it very successfully for many years.

American Foods has always been a company that grows and changes with the times. To meet the demands of an ever-growing market, we have partnered with a global player to provide our products worldwide. This will allow us to provide our customers with the best quality products at the most affordable prices possible. We are confident that this move will continue to strengthen our business and allow us to serve even more people in the future.

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